Channel 5 reported on the protest at the Rivers Building by the NAACP.
They said that there were several dozen protesters and that the NAACP did not want anything done to the building.
First of all, something must be done with the building. There is no point in having the building just sit there and decompose in the sun, wind and rain. Why not oh... make it a school? It always has been a school and should be a school, so while this may be crazy, let's make it a school.
Second, Dot Scott said that she wanted it to be a High Tech High and wanted it predominately African American. Hmmm... that sounds like Greg Meyers and Nancy Cook of the CCSD school board. But then Dot Scott always chooses to speak in support of the school board and Goodloe. Where were they when the Rivers Building was closed down in the first place? All of those teachers were fired---mostly African American and impressionable young kids were put at Burke. I know where they were, they were supporting Goodloe's resume. Now where has she gone? She used the NAACP and she ran as fast as she could. Do you think they were maybe trying to make a good impression on the new superintendent?
Third, just how does Dot Scott think that High Tech High will happen without community support? The Charleston Chamber says that they will support it from the CCSD. Of course they are going to say that; the CCSD is one of the chambers largest customers. The first rule in business is the client is always right. How could they say anything but yes?
The BIG question is where is the Charleston Charter School for Math and Science or is that District 20 Families? I thought that they were the same thing. Aren't they? I realize that District 20 Families was started when all that Buist stuff happened a year ago then came the Charleston Charter School for Math and Science. So isn't that the same group?
Anyway, where are they? The NAACP was attacking the charter school so why did they not defend themselves. Now I think there is a lot of miscommunication about the charter school but there are strict rules with public money. Thus if the law says that the racial makeup of the school must reflect that of the community I think that that will happen. The school needs public funds to operate and are held to a tighter scrutiny then the CCSD. Take a look at other charter schools around that have operated for a little while.
Even the mayor of N. Charleston wants North Charleston High School to become a charter school because the CCSD refuses or cannot bring it up to a good, safe standard. I hope that you succeed Mayor Summey. That may be their only hope.
Where was the charter school to defend themselves, or educate these members of the NAACP who do not have all the facts? What about the old business saying: "All publicity is good publicity?" Why weren't they there to get the coverage? Come on, that is free advertising.
I wonder who will stand up against the NAACP. Someone needs to because they have their information wrong and exactly who do they represent? Unfortunately it seems like the Rosa Parks of this world are long gone. This town continues to operate like it has for a longtime. Everyone just sits by and doesn't stir up the water. What is going to happen to our community if no one does anything? I'll tell you what we will happen if we just sit by....we'll get pushed out of our town. As a community we need to realize that the CCSD will never change if we don't make them. We have to make them care about us or we will continue to get the short end of the stick.
They said that there were several dozen protesters and that the NAACP did not want anything done to the building.
First of all, something must be done with the building. There is no point in having the building just sit there and decompose in the sun, wind and rain. Why not oh... make it a school? It always has been a school and should be a school, so while this may be crazy, let's make it a school.
Second, Dot Scott said that she wanted it to be a High Tech High and wanted it predominately African American. Hmmm... that sounds like Greg Meyers and Nancy Cook of the CCSD school board. But then Dot Scott always chooses to speak in support of the school board and Goodloe. Where were they when the Rivers Building was closed down in the first place? All of those teachers were fired---mostly African American and impressionable young kids were put at Burke. I know where they were, they were supporting Goodloe's resume. Now where has she gone? She used the NAACP and she ran as fast as she could. Do you think they were maybe trying to make a good impression on the new superintendent?
Third, just how does Dot Scott think that High Tech High will happen without community support? The Charleston Chamber says that they will support it from the CCSD. Of course they are going to say that; the CCSD is one of the chambers largest customers. The first rule in business is the client is always right. How could they say anything but yes?
The BIG question is where is the Charleston Charter School for Math and Science or is that District 20 Families? I thought that they were the same thing. Aren't they? I realize that District 20 Families was started when all that Buist stuff happened a year ago then came the Charleston Charter School for Math and Science. So isn't that the same group?
Anyway, where are they? The NAACP was attacking the charter school so why did they not defend themselves. Now I think there is a lot of miscommunication about the charter school but there are strict rules with public money. Thus if the law says that the racial makeup of the school must reflect that of the community I think that that will happen. The school needs public funds to operate and are held to a tighter scrutiny then the CCSD. Take a look at other charter schools around that have operated for a little while.
Even the mayor of N. Charleston wants North Charleston High School to become a charter school because the CCSD refuses or cannot bring it up to a good, safe standard. I hope that you succeed Mayor Summey. That may be their only hope.
Where was the charter school to defend themselves, or educate these members of the NAACP who do not have all the facts? What about the old business saying: "All publicity is good publicity?" Why weren't they there to get the coverage? Come on, that is free advertising.
I wonder who will stand up against the NAACP. Someone needs to because they have their information wrong and exactly who do they represent? Unfortunately it seems like the Rosa Parks of this world are long gone. This town continues to operate like it has for a longtime. Everyone just sits by and doesn't stir up the water. What is going to happen to our community if no one does anything? I'll tell you what we will happen if we just sit by....we'll get pushed out of our town. As a community we need to realize that the CCSD will never change if we don't make them. We have to make them care about us or we will continue to get the short end of the stick.
Glad I've found your blog. Looks like we're on the same page. The best thing to do is spread the word. The truth will out in the end if people who know it will speak loudly enough. See couriercritic.blogspot.com
Sadly, I can see a similar headline running in my local newspaper soon. You see, I'm from Richmond, VA and there is a grassroots community group desperately trying to start a charter school (in a closed former elementary school). The NAACP and some other self-serving local politicans are doing everything they can, including blatantly spreading untruths, to make sure the school doesn't move forward.
I desperately want our community and its children to flourish. But, we have a vote coming up on Monday night and I can see two years of hard work unraveling in the face of ignorance. Other than criticizing the Patrick Henry school as loudly as possible, I'd like to know what the NAACP has bothered to do for our kids' education.
It disgusts me that black people will use racism themselves just to get ahead.
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