As I was going to sleep watching the evening news I saw the reports where Dr. Goodloe-Johnson admits that Charleston has a racial problem. I have heard it all.
The following link is the link to Katie Crawford's interview with Dr. Goodloe-Johnson http://www.wcsc.com/home/video/7949587.html.
Please review it yourself and see if you can catch her from her other interviews. Dr. Goodloe has stated a number of times that there are very little race related issues with the Charleston County School District. Privately though she has told white parents just to send their kids to school as a solution to these parents not having an excellent rated school to send their kids to. So you are telling me that in the last 4 years she has chosen not to address the issue of race in the school district that she has been officer and chief of? That is a failure of the worst kind. Instead she has helped to keep these schools segregated.
Lets take a look at Burke High School. Two of the best programs that the district has came out of Burke-Academic Magnet and Military Magnet. Burke has always been a predominately African American school and it has been great. Now you are telling me that it took Goodloe and the CCSD 4 years to realize that there was a racial problem in Charleston pubic schools? The ironic thing is the kids in these schools aren't the ones with the racial problem; they know that there is a divide but work to fix it. Have you ever seen kids of different races playing together? Have you seen adults of different races play together?
Look at the so called leaders of the African American community. Dot Scott and Rev. Darby keep speaking for what they call the entire African American community. Have you gone out and spoken with us? If you had you would find that we want what is best for our children. We are educated and want our children to have all the same programs and resources that every other child in our city has. We know that these schools are separate. All anyone has to do is look at the schools that are in the worst academic shape and see that these schools are predominately black. These schools also lack the same programs that are offered in other schools. Did you all know that Charleston Progressive is the only middle school that does not offer a foreign language? Did you also know that it is a magnet school? Some magnet school, it lacks enough books and microscopes.
For years we have been told that we could not transfer our kids becuase there was a lack of room at other diverse schools. These other schools are not really diverse. Take a look, a hard look, how diverse are all the schools in our area? How diverse are Mt. Pleasant elementary schools? Now where are the majority of the great programs?
I am tired of the CCSD and people like Goodloe continuing to do irreparable damage to our community (by our I mean all races in our community) just to improve their resume or give their friends huge contracts while we all know they recieve some benefit.
As a community we all need to stand up to these people. It is our world that we can change. We just have to start working together.
The following link is the link to Katie Crawford's interview with Dr. Goodloe-Johnson http://www.wcsc.com/home/video/7949587.html.
Please review it yourself and see if you can catch her from her other interviews. Dr. Goodloe has stated a number of times that there are very little race related issues with the Charleston County School District. Privately though she has told white parents just to send their kids to school as a solution to these parents not having an excellent rated school to send their kids to. So you are telling me that in the last 4 years she has chosen not to address the issue of race in the school district that she has been officer and chief of? That is a failure of the worst kind. Instead she has helped to keep these schools segregated.
Lets take a look at Burke High School. Two of the best programs that the district has came out of Burke-Academic Magnet and Military Magnet. Burke has always been a predominately African American school and it has been great. Now you are telling me that it took Goodloe and the CCSD 4 years to realize that there was a racial problem in Charleston pubic schools? The ironic thing is the kids in these schools aren't the ones with the racial problem; they know that there is a divide but work to fix it. Have you ever seen kids of different races playing together? Have you seen adults of different races play together?
Look at the so called leaders of the African American community. Dot Scott and Rev. Darby keep speaking for what they call the entire African American community. Have you gone out and spoken with us? If you had you would find that we want what is best for our children. We are educated and want our children to have all the same programs and resources that every other child in our city has. We know that these schools are separate. All anyone has to do is look at the schools that are in the worst academic shape and see that these schools are predominately black. These schools also lack the same programs that are offered in other schools. Did you all know that Charleston Progressive is the only middle school that does not offer a foreign language? Did you also know that it is a magnet school? Some magnet school, it lacks enough books and microscopes.
For years we have been told that we could not transfer our kids becuase there was a lack of room at other diverse schools. These other schools are not really diverse. Take a look, a hard look, how diverse are all the schools in our area? How diverse are Mt. Pleasant elementary schools? Now where are the majority of the great programs?
I am tired of the CCSD and people like Goodloe continuing to do irreparable damage to our community (by our I mean all races in our community) just to improve their resume or give their friends huge contracts while we all know they recieve some benefit.
As a community we all need to stand up to these people. It is our world that we can change. We just have to start working together.
Okay, I'm just getting caught up on your postings here. In your first posting you make reference to a minority child being denied a NCLB transfer and transportation.
Why are we busing kids off the peninsula to attend a decent school? And why are busing Mt. Pleasant kids into Buist?
I'm so confused. And as a taxpayer, I'm furious!
I thought Brown v. Board fixed this mess!
Yes we are busing kids off the peninsula and busing Mt. Pleasant kids into Buist. Why one can only post their opinion. Mine is that Buist is a school for the kids of the xtra special parents that left downtown to live in Mt. P, Sullivans, Folly and Ion long ago. These parents also donate something or the CCSD feels that they can benefit. As I have heard from one parent who is a longtime Charleston resident..."All my 3 of my kids went to Buist and I live in Mt. Pleasant."
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