“If I won’t send my child to that school, then that school should be closed.”- There are so many things that I could say about this. She would only accept Buist I am sure. If the Office of Civil rights was not convinced already this should top it off. I think that she is starting to plan for her campaign. This comment is like the President saying he would send his child off to war in Iraq.
"People have a constitutional right to travel"
That is right Greg. The Constitution says that Americans have the right to vote, free speech and when lying to get into a pubic school they have the right to travel. I think that Downtown to Sullivans Island is so far that this counts as a vacation. I won't even touch the difference between residency and vacation. I think he should know, since he is a member of the BAR and a civil rights lawyer.
Arther Ravenel-
I heard this through the vine but I have to publish it. To me it hit home. When asked to support a foreign language program at Charleston Progressive because it was the only middle school without one he said
I just can't support it, Charleston Progressive is an ugly school.
I am going to leave that one alone...it speaks for itself. Also I think we should give Cousin Arthur some slack. He comes from another generation that failed to sit next to Ms. Parks on the bus. I like the guy though. Someday he may do some good for the schools.
Toya Green
I was elected by the county not downtown residents. I represent county schools.
Who voted for this freak? Opps I think her kid got into Buist this year. She represents the downtown set. Oh well, according to Nancy, we won't have many schools left anyway. Lets just keep putting kids on the Peninsula down more, because that shows them how much we care.
I know that you all have heard more than this. Send them in and lets keep laughing because things are going to get worse before they get better.
Didn't Nancy Cook send her kids to Blessed Sacrament for elementary school? Does that mean ALL elementary schools are in danger of being closed?
Is she REALLY the chair of our school board?
Listen closely when the board votes on transfers..... Hillery Douglas alwats mutters, "White flight". But, the best of all that you left off is Ruth Jordon saying, "We don't have to circumvent the wheel". Priceless, and she can't conjugate a verb either.
Cook always writes "Your" instead of "you're" 40 years old and doesn't know contractions.
Cook is a big fat joke. Good Lord,get a hair style with all that tax dollars you waste. Get your teeth fixed!
Now now last poster big and fat is not polite...well neither is she.
If she is a Charleston example of the leaders of this city then we are all doomed...sell now while we still can :>)
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