Channel 5 reports Jerry leaving CCSD...humm what did he do? Was he tired of the B.S. or did he grow a conscience? Whatever the cause or the reason he was the communications guy, the messenger. Let's see if you can sing Jerry. The CCSD will leave you all alone. Someone has to be the fall guy.
Jerry got a little separation pay to keep him quiet just like Costagna. Jerry saw McGinley and her girl friend ( room mate) walking down the beach and stupidly said shouldn't you be at work... the rest is history
close, but no cigar. yes I can sing, but you wouldn't want to hear it. the beach thing is not accurate. done deal long before that.
It's nice to know you're visiting this blog as well during your leisure time. See? I knew you cared! Fill us in on the accurate story. That's the second time I've read this. Who could be spreading such rumors regarding your strolls on the beach?
Good for you for leaving. I do want to hear you sing. This has been going on long enough...how much longer are we going to leave these kids behind?
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