Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Word is a former editor of a local newspaper has left the peninsula and moved back to West Ashley now that he has all of his children at Buist Academy. Should we be happy you actually did live downtown unlike so many of the other cheaters? Should we say thank you for the time and energy you gave to our community? We should have known there was a reason you wouldn't stand by your neighbors and openly criticized the District 20 Board's fight for our residents last year. I guess it's nice to be living in the house you actually own now, huh?


Anonymous said...

Well, according to your previous post and our CCSD board member, he/she does have a "constitutional right to travel."

Anonymous said...

We should all be ashamed that we have sat quietly by while this is going on...
Where is our community? Where is the outrage?
The silence is deafening.

Babbie said...

One of the lucky ones who won the lottery, was he?

Anonymous said...

Was Bill Davis an editor?

Anonymous said...

Let's really put ourselves out there and just say...yes, Bill Davis conveniently moved back "home" now that his 3 kids are in Buist. Did he cheat? Not according to Sallie. Did he cheat according to the Dist. 20 board's new policy? No, but now it's time for the junior from kindergarten to move over to the sibling WAITING list. The Dist. 20 board passed a new policy that as of last year, students must maintain their Dist. 20 residency through their tenure at Buist. All of the other Davis kids are safe.
How simple this could be were it not for people like Mario White obstructing the truth? But then again, we must ask ourselves...how did Mario's kids get into Buist?