It was my understanding that Federal Funds were supposed to go to specific causes and required a certain procedure...Oh and it has to be used up to get any more.
1.So why is it that a principal of a school is using federal funds for an after school program to fund something else? I must sympathize with him or her though because they have to use up the funds to receive any more.
2. Why does every child at Buist receive the SAIL program for free because it is a federal program when not every child qualifies? Yes we have kids downtown that do not have enough books and these kids who already have so much and some who's parents lied get even more.
3. What has the CCSD done with it's federal money? Not much for the kids downtown or in North Charleston. What do you think that the federal government would do if they found out that the local school district may not be correctly using the grants that were given to them?
You all should challenge the CCSD to be upfront with these federal funds and where this money goes and should go. I wonder what happened to the groups that were supposed to be fighting for these schools. Have they all left us to fight for other battles or have they given up because this happens everywhere. Life is too short to accept that answer.
Wake up and smell the coffee the world is changing and it is leaving us behind. Charleston is growing but has no school system to keep the great parts of a society evolving.
What makes this whole "them and us" and "have gots vs. have nots" debate so disgusting is that CCSD has more than enough cash to pay for what every downtown school needs to be competative and match, if not exceed, Buist. It's not a lack of cash. It's a lack of will and moral conviction to do what's right.
They proved the comments above, by quickly approving the extra money for Memminger. Where did THAT money come from? Yes, Memminger students, we've always had the money to provide you with foreign language we just CHOSE NOT to...that was until those crazy Dist. 20 residents starting catching on to our "fake address scam." Damn those Dist. 20 residents.
I thought SAIL was a state funded program...can anyone out there clarify that?
But then again, if I'm some attorney like George Kefalos, my kid deserves SAIL whether he qualifies or not. Have you checked out my tax bills lately?
Maybe SAIL will be help my kid get smarter.
SAIL has not raised my intelligence since 6th grade when we did rocket science and alegebra (sp?) The problem I find with SAIL is that one year we focused on chess, then we focused on crime and criminal intent, then we did rockets and space, then last year it was all about nanotechnology and anti homework and you know what made it bad??? The teacher. She had nothing better to make us do so she made us do that??? We just did a bunch of dumb research and the entire year was spent staring at google and this year we are doing the same thing, this time with global warming and the envornment. All of the stuff I have researched has led me to the same conculsion hybrids=good hummers=bad! She is having us build a futuristic city and she treats my ideas like trash. She dosen't take my creativity seriously and that is the problem with most teachers theese days they don't take our intelligence seriously and then we are repeating chess again and typing mentor stuff up. SAIL from 7 to 8th grade has been a waste of time and to be honest from what I have done in SAIL I have just looked up facts and reproduced them in my own words and all it had taught me is how to edit a sentance enough to make it your own. My brain is bored in this class....I honestly think Buist needs to improve the SAIL program or get rid of it completely.
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