Monday, December 15, 2008

Bill the Bulldozer

Okay, I finally took the time to listen to last week's school board meeting on the Comedy (oops, I mean Educational) Channel last night.
My new name for Bill Lewis is Bill the Bulldozer. As he presented the proposal for our schools to the board, he admits we were "all punch drunk in putting this together" on late Friday. Yeah, that's quite an understatement, Bill. He goes on to tell us basically it's okay, Toya, we're working with Mayor Riley. Then Bulldozer Bill begins his presentation district by district.
In response to the Johns Island proposal, Ray Toler says, "Frierson is a newer building. Why close it?" Bulldozer Bill replies, "Nobody lives out in Wadmalaw." I think those residents of Wadmalaw would have to challenge you on that one, Bill.
Mr. Toler asked for a quick count on the population and capacity of the elementary schools, probably wondering why Mt. Zion survives the ax, yet Frierson doesn't. Little yes man to Bill mumbles some numbers in an attempt to answer Mr. Toler's question. AND THEN, Dr. Mac speaks the real truth: "We're seeing progress at Mt. Zion. We're not seeing it at Frierson." In other words, Mt. Zion makes me look better. Let's close Frierson.
New board member, Chris Fraser states something about "reserve capacity." And then goes on to explain Johns Island has a lot of growing room and we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. What does Bill do? Well he might as well have blown Chris a few kisses as he states, "That's a very profound statement." I'm sure Bill was muttering under his breath, Mr. Real Estate mogul, who do you think you are challenging the almighty Bill?

It's also quite a trip to listen to Ms. Toya chime in on that Courtney campus downtown. You know? That's where the Charleston Progressive parents have desperately tried to ensure their magnet school stays afloat despite the district's refusal to fund it as a magnet school. Will that campus go to Buist or will it go to the Montessori school? The Montessori parents are interested in the Berry campus. Yet it's really all about what those Buist parents want. Gregg made that very clear. He stated, "I'd really like to have the (Buist) Principal's position" on this. You know, 'cause that Buist Principal saved me a few years ago more than once and I owe her BIG time.

When Bill gets to District 20, it's a WHOLE different story. We have multiple schools with kids at risk and our goal is getting our kids into SAFE SCHOOLS (who cares if we educate them, right?) as soon as possible. Because...the EARTHQUAKE IS COMING! Well, an earthquake did actually visit Summerville this morning, but ask our parents if they're really worried about the next BIG ONE and I assure you, they're not.

Bill's presentation continues. Let's sell James-Simons (cha-ching,cha-ching). Move those kids to Rivers ('cause we can't let that Charter school get that building) and then move the Charter School to that mold infested Archer Building. Bill goes on to say, Mayor Riley sent us a letter about starting a Police Academy at Fraser. Where do the Fraser kids go? We're never told, but we've known that Fraser Elementary would be closed for quite a while and merged with the Sanders-Clyde students in the new building. It just ticks me off they haven't openly stated it. They expect us to believe Mayor Riley came up with his Police Academy idea out of his "bleep" over the weekend. I can just see the Mayor's letter to CCSD now..."As much as I love eating lunch with the Fraser students and as much as my sister's organization loved teaching those students how to Step, we have realized it would serve our community better to create more qualified police officers to arrest these students than provide them with a proper education..."

At the end of the circus show, I couldn't help but root for Ruth! Ruth Jordan asked, "What percentage of Buist students live on the peninsula?" And guess what? Dr. Mac doesn't answer. Go figure. She even has the audacity to state it makes sense to transport those kids to ensure they're attending a decent school. Don't worry. Anyone who follows this blog knows I've been there and done that. I won't go there again.

Yet I highly recommend watching the school board meetings on Channel 60 in the evening. They can be quite interesting...


Babbie said...

The best comment is that "nobody" lives on Wadmalaw. Says it all, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like nobody's home at 75 Calhoun either. I guess they're always out to lunch.

Why is it that only in Charleston we appear to accept "no response" as an adequate answer to important questions?

Try this question. Why was Bill Lewis allowed to hire a design firm to design a new school for Buist without bothering to tell anyone? If CCSD is so short of cash, why did CCSD pay a FOB contractor (a/k/a Friend of Bill) to do a work up on plan to demolish Buist without first bothering to check if they can tear down a 90 year old school in the historic district? How much did CCSD pay this FOB? Even the Buist parents aren't happy with this.

When Nancy McGinley goes in a few months, Bill Lewis needs to go, too. But if he's moving cash out the back door on projects that weren't vetted and won't fly, why wait?