Friday, February 22, 2008

BUIST lawsuit decision

As news channel two just reported, there is a decision that has come down concerning the District 20 law suit against the CCSD concerning Buist Academy. It does not surprise this downtown individual that it was a negative response to District 20 constituents. It is my feeling that the ruling is full of inaccurate information including calling Buist an abandoned building at the time of it's creation. Well my definition of abandoned is not let's rezone all the kids who attended Buist to Fraser and call it abandoned. That may be, in my opinion, the CCSD's definition. What does this mean? What are we to do? Keep fighting. After all it is important to our communities that we improve our schools for our future. It is also apparent that 75 Calhoun is not hearing our voices.
As soon as I get the response I will post it so keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

The following comments appeared with the article from Saturday's P&C on-line edition:

Judge Mikell Scarborough should have removed himself from this case before it started. At least one of his children attended Buist. As someone who only knew the fear of not getting in, but did, he lacks the objectivity to consider this case as a District 20 parent who is permanently locked out.

This ruling says that power politics continues as usual for Charleston County's public schools. Buist remains a school for the connected and not a school for the talented. Dr. McGinley comments shows that she is only looking to hide fires and not really put any of them out. If it's so important for Buist to be a county-wide school, then shouldn't St. Andrews and Jenny Moore in Mt. Pleasant be open to District 20 residents? You can't have it both ways without looking like a hypocrite. What about Mt. Pleasant Academy, Ashley River Creative Arts School or Wando? Dr. McGinley fails to tell us that these schools are not open to applicants from District 20. She's not being honest with the public based on her published comments.

If Hillery Douglas wants more "diversity" at Buist, then he has a lot of explaining to do about the lack of diversity for parents who have no choice for their children's education in District 20 and in other high minority constituent distrists, including his own in North Charleston. This whole argument about Buist being a county-wide school for the gifted and talented overlooks the fact that G&T students in District 20 are being left behind while others who are not even "above average" are awarded limited slots at Buist. The county board has never really addressed the widely reported and documented cheating in the admission process.

And while you're at it, has anyone checked to see how many Buist students failed the initial test to be admitted to the SAIL program? Buist has been a sham for too long. All the people responsible should be shown the door in November, if not sooner.

Shame on Judge Scarborough for making this continuing inequity as transparent as mud.

Anonymous said...

How could a Buist parent that doesn't live downtown possibly be impartial about Buist? Only in Charleston would this judge have heard the case! This Buist situation I keep reading about is South Carolina racism at it's worst!

How can Buist possibly be countywide when West Ashley Creative Arts is not? This is all about race as usual.

The Buist establishment behaves just as the Charleston establishment always has. They actually seem to not even notice the benefits they receive from such an unfair system. They take it for granted that they and their children are some how entitled.