Thursday, February 21, 2008

Should it be North Charleston's shame as well?

Well, at least we should give credit to North Charleston's city council for stepping up to the plate and demanding answers to their school situation.
Unfortunately, I wonder if they walked away satisfied with CCSD's responses and I hope they were perplexed by Bill Lewis' solutions. As stated in the Post and Courier, CCSD "is spending $211 million to build or upgrade new schools in North Charleston, school district Capital Improvements Director Bill Lewis said. Among those are a new Stall High, an expanded North Charleston High and a new Academic Magnet High and School of the Arts."
Now how many North Charleston students actually ATTEND 2 of the above referenced schools?
And new buildings don't make a good school, Mr. Lewis. The School of the Arts has proven that.
Why can't we fix what's going on INSIDE these schools before we begin spending millions of dollars on new buildings? Our priorities are messed up and as taxpayers we should be outraged. I'm afraid CCSD doesn't know HOW to fix the inside.

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