Whenever I post something regarding Buist, the bloggers start blogging. Few, if any words are uttered when I report the dismal state of Burke Middle school's percentile of students scoring Below Basic. It's sad. I guess I can safely assume, the lack of education taking place in most of our downtown schools is not a concern. The fight over Buist is the focus. Why stop now?
The District 20 resident serving on our county school board and now current Chairperson Ms. Toya Green made some comment about not being able to sleep if Drayton Hall's charter was approved. I busted out laughing when a friend told me that. That girl is a trip. Did anyone else hear that? Approving Drayton Hall's charter may result in cuts elsewhere...like magnet school transportation. Sounds like a great idea to me. This same Ms. Green evidently sleeps just fine as her daughter attends school at Buist Academy with District 20 cheats. She's nestled with "sugar plums dancing in (her) head" over those four foreign language teachers, too. Yeah, no unequal education there, Ms. Green. God forbid we spread the wealth to Drayton Hall. Connect the dots. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. Smooth boy Meyers has concocted quite a batch of magnet school moonshine, hasn't he?
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You talk about there is little written about the educational needs of Burke Middle School. Well who should be talking it up, Buist parents or Sanders-Clyde, Fraser, and Memminger parents. Is it Mount Pleasant's parents, West Ashley, James Island, Sullivan's Island, or North Charleston's parents responsibility to make sure the right thing is being done or is it the citizens who this school serves responsibility? It is my belief that it is the citizens who this school serves who should be held responsible and demanding change. The only reason the other parents should care is that it is far more cheaper which would mean our education dollars would go to educating students and not transporting them. It is cheaper to educate someone at their home school, than to send them by bus to some distant school.
You always seem to hold everyone accountable, but give the downtown parents a pass. Or when told about how disruptive the children can be. You pass it off as if the schools are responsible in how these children are raised at home. This pass serves no one. Teachers don't leave a failing school for no reason. They leave because they are frustrated. They leave because no one seems to care from the students side and that includes parents. They leave because the administration does not support them nor do the parents support them. They get no support accept maybe from each other and sometimes they don't even get that.
Maybe 75 Calhoun does what it does because they know that no one is going to do anything about the changes or the double dealing they are doing and so far the downtown community has showed them that they are right. If every child's parent from the downtown schools were to show up at board meetings and at the polls, maybe they would start getting some action other than some lip action.
Ms. Caper's has down like other downtown people have done which is they send their children to East Cooper schools because they know their neighbors downtown on the whole did not care about their childrens' education like they do. How about the times when Rivers Middle school had PTA meetings and there were more teachers in the audience than parents. What is your response to that? My question is were is the outcry from the leaders of the black community when it comes to these majority black schools that are failing. They seem to be quiet except when some white teacher does something wrong in the schools.
Where was the outrage of how black students where trying to intimidate a teacher at Brentwood and they did it to her because she was white? If that had been white students doing that to a black teacher, all of the black leaders would have demanded some kind of action be done to the students and justly so; but you can't have it one way and not the other. How can anyone sit there and think it is okay and this kind of behavior also occurred at Rivers, but nothing was said about that. All teachers want to do is to educate their students regardless of skin color.
How can downtown residents go to sleep at night when their schools are being destroyed by their neighbors' children? Students need to understand what respect is and respect is not having people fear your. When children come to school and are respectful to each other and the adult in the room, you will then have some learning going on downtown, but as long as junior has an equal voice as a teacher. We will have struggling schools. What happen to the day when the adult was in charge of the classroom and that the parent believed the adult and not their child. As long as children are treated as equals to the adult in the classroom in failing schools, we will always have failing schools. The patients can't be running the facility.
Oh, brother! Anonymous 10:44 hasn't got a clue. All of these schools belong to all of us. What goes on in one affects what goes on in every other school...good or bad. I guess what is being said is if someone doesn't have a dog in that fight they have no right to speak. I disagree entirely.
I do agree with Underdog, however. Let's start saving money for the classroom by canceling the transportation system for magnet schools. How many millions would could be redirected. I don't think anyone at CCSD will give you the answer because they've decided that isn't where we are going.
We also need to start teaching American government in the schools again. It's obvious a majority of this county's electorate is grossly uneducated about how their public officials should be conducting themselves.
It's a sure thing Toya Green didn't have trouble sleeping after the school reorganization plan was revealed last night and Gregg Meyers is no better. I doubt if many parents of kids in a lot of the schools involved could say they were comforted by the news. I'm going to give Chris Collins some credit for saying these three proposals are too overwhelming. I'll go one better. There should be a fourth plan. Fire the people who are trying to put this bait and switch agenda over on the parents and taxpayers. If the three districts not on the table (West Ashley, James Island and Mt. Pleasant) think they have escaped the feel of this axe they are mistaken. The outflow of students from the other districts into their schools will increase immediately. They should be overjoyed to know that thousands more than just NCLB transfers are on their way. Ms. Capers and her children are just one example. It doesn't take much brain power to realize the people who have proposed these 3 disasters have no children in the mix. They have even less understanding or interest in how to save money. Once again, CCSD's management is going to sell property to pay the light bill and then turn around and build more. How stupid are we? We must be crazy to continue to support these people.
Anonymous 11:38... so if CCSD stops magnet school transporation that will fix the poor performing school problem?
No matter how much money you throw at these schools it's not going to matter when the kids go home to parents (or more likely parent) and they don't give a damn about the kid's homework or getting involved with what's happening at school...
Poor performing schools has a lot to do with social issues at home... the teachers can only do so much... the person who raises the children must be involved... at least must care that their child do well in school and not look at school as a babysitter or someplace for the kid to go to get them out of the house
When I was in elementary and middle school back in the 70's we had respect for the teachers and adults at the school... NO WAY would we back talk much less torment a teacher... if we did we could expect a paddling... Seems to me there is such a lack of respect for adults in schools today, no wonder teachers have a difficult task in front of them... these issues need to be addressed at home and frankly alot of parents/parent aren't doing their job... we have some serious problems in our society that are way beyond the purview of the school boards
Toya Green is a complete idiot, who cares nothing of her own community or education as a whole.
Drayton Hall gets $4700 per student, and stuggles with large class sizes, no foreign language, no real music or art. The school is 70% white, 30% black with a terrific black man as it's leader..Mr. Cobb, who was educated here in our county. Oh....do you think it might hurt your daughters education at Buist Ms.Green? Who elected this self-serving idiot. Not me.
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