Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chirs Fraser...does he know Wilmot Fraser?

I always crack up when Buist supporters come out in force on this blog. I can tell you about our kids' illiteracy rate and you could care less. I could tell you our kids are NOT being taught music, art, or foreign language and you say our community isn't doing enough. We'll agree to disagree on that foolishness. There's no convincing you everyone deserves the same educational matter where there live or who their parents are. So, I'm changing the subject on the Plessy v. Ferguson supporters.
When I saw Charleston County school board candidate Chris Fraser's sign in front of the "Cigar Factory" condos, I couldn't help but wonder...does Chris Fraser know the Wilmot Fraser we know? They spell their names the same. Are they related?
Wilmot Fraser is the former Principal of East Bay Elementary (k/k/a Sanders-Clyde). While he is now in a better life, his son also named Wilmot Fraser has been a strong voice for our schools.
Yet the irony of a white man named Fraser with his sign next to our Fraser Elementary, named after Wilmot Fraser...a school many of us are convinced is "up next" in CCSD's real estate auction is just too much to ignore.

When current school board member Brian Moody announced he would not be running for reelection, yet endorsed Chris Fraser "the real estate developer", we heard Chris Fraser say,“I am very excited for this opportunity to run for a seat on the school board. There is no issue more important to our community and economy today, than improving the number and quality of graduates who enter the workforce. I have seen first hand the students in these schools and believe we need to create the best environment for these kids to grow and learn.” So is he saying he's actually visited our downtown schools? I doubt it.
My next question to Mr. Fraser would be: Why is your sign next to the Cigar Factory? Will Fraser Elementary be Fraser Elementary Condos (Part Deux Cigar Factory) in a few years?
We all know the talk is to merge Sanders-Clyde and Fraser...Maria initiated that when she made Mishawna Principal of both schools. No rocket science there...

The news also reported that "Fraser is principal broker-in-charge of Grubb & Ellis | BarkleyFraser a commercial real estate firm. For the past two years he has served as chairman of The Education Foundation, an initiative of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce that builds partnerships between the business community and the schools..." Nothing more needs to be said there for me...Then we hear, "During his term, Fraser helped convene local leaders in business and education, and helped strengthen the relationships between the two to determine workforce needs and requirements." other words, sounds to me like, we need to make sure Mayor Joe has his bed-makers and fry-cooks.
I want to know if Chris Fraser has kids in our schools (not magnet schools like Green and Meyers) and if so, where?? C'mon Chris Fraser, prove to us you're in this for the RIGHT reasons.


Anonymous said...

We Buist supporters care about kids illiteracy, we think all schools should have foreign language, music and art... we are convinced everyone deserves the same educational opportunities (no matter where they live or who their parents are)

You have no right to say we don't just because we support our kids who happen to have gotten into Buist

Get off your high horse and do something about the other schools in ALL districts

Anonymous said...

Hey, Buist Supporter,
You keep saying the same thing. You contradict yourself and make no sense to me. Sounds like you need "get off YOUR high horse and do something about the schools in ALL districts."

Anonymous said...

How hard did this Buist parent fight for all the extras his child is getting at Buist? How hard is he fighting for his neighbors to get the same education his child is getting at Buist?
Has he been at School board meetings begging for foreign language like me and my child have?
You need to practice what you preach "Buist supporter."

Anonymous said...

yeah you're right "underdog" we Buist parents want to see all the other kids not learn to read or write or learn how to speak French... and god forbid if they pick up a paintbrush or a recorder and learn how to use... we would hate that... we are all a bunch of country club snobs laughing it up at the expense of CCSD kids...

Get over yourself... we have just as much empathy as you do... we want schools like Buist in all neighborhoods... our neighborhoods

what you write on this blog just keeps the negative bs flowing... that's what your little blog is all about right?

Just a way to piss people off and make you "look" like you actually care about kids... you're full of...

Anonymous said...

Once again the magnet parents say "let them eat cake!"

Anonymous said...

anonymous 9:22... you're an idiot

Ever heard of sarcasm?

Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with Chris Fraser?

Anonymous said...

Real estate, real estate and more real estate. Let's not build educational programs to attract and challenge student and make parent want to enroll their children. Let's cut the programs to the bone, let certain schools fail and force parents to pull their kids out. Then we can consolidate schools, close buildings and sell the real estate. It's always been about the real estate. It's not about extending opportunities like those found at Buist, SOA and AMHS.

Anonymous said...

It's kind of scary. I keep seeing Chris Fraser's signs at big real estate sites. The corner of East Bay and Calhoun, the big hotel on Hwy. 17 in Mt. Pleasant, the Cigar Factory,...Just how much real estate is this guy connected to?

Anonymous said...

Chris Fraser is connected to a lot of real estate. The reality is that he has an agenda....his own

Anonymous said...

His kids go to Porter Gaud Private School.

Anonymous said...

So, because he's in real estate, he must be running for the sole purpose of acquiring property for financial gain? Boy, you guys hate real estate agents as much as you hate Buist parents. He probably changed his name to Fraser just so he could put a sign by the school and infuriate all of you too.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here know how much money the School Board has? I know for sure that it is not enough to revamp all of the schools in Charleston County. Chris has a background in Real Estate obviously, he knows how to run a business, the thing is when you have no money you can't do anything that you want to do with these schools. I would love to any one do a better job with the limited resources that he has, (no money from the government, little support from the community who keep complaining about the schools they are worried about). People have to understand that bickering about things like this solves nothing. If you want to have a positive impact on the situation, start a donation fund, or something positive that can HELP instead of mud slinging which does nothing to help the schools and only HURTS. I hope this has changed some of you're minds and hopefully you will work in a more positive way to help solve this dilemma. Thank You

Anonymous said...

P.S. I believe it is Chris Fraser, not Chirs Fraser