Well a new school year has started and a new year of school issues. Don’t we all just dream of the day that we can send our kids to school, know that they are going to get the best education they can without that drama? Lets recap the drama so far
Goodloe....I mean McGinley wants to consolidate schools. Didn’t we go through this before? Do they think that we have forgotten? I am sure that McGinley is going to give the public some study that says larger schools are more conducive to learning. Isn’t the current situation downtown a product of consolidation? Wouldn’t a better idea be to make these schools better so that they will be able to compete with private schools and other excellent rated schools so students came to them? After all the CCSD is only after themselves and not the students. It is all about the bottom $ line at 75 Calhoun. That and resumes.
Next on day one the CCSD sends out the truant officers to get kids into school. While I would think that this would be a good idea for those that are known kids that are usually not in class lets bring out what is really important. If the kids aren’t there in the first 10 days the CCSD will not get paid. That is the real issue. Everything is about the dollar sign, when is it about our kids education.
Last the Charleston Charter School for Math and Science opened and McGinley left in the middle of the ceremony. What example is she setting for students everywhere? Students should not get up in the middle of class...student rule 1 respect your educators!
1 comment:
This is a copy of a letter to the editor sent to the Post & Courier on August 19, 2008. It wasn't published and no one from the paper called the writer. It makes you wonder what becomes of the letters the Post & Courier receives that are critical of those who run our schools. How many are sent only to have them end up in the editor's circular file. The author of this letter has shared it and gave permission for it to be published here with her name attached. The entire letter is reprinted as follows:
August 19, 2008
The Editor
Post and Courier
134 Columbus Street,
Charleston, SC 29403-4800
On Monday the 18th of August I attended the opening exercises and ribbon cutting of the Charleston Charter School for Math and Science.
It was well attended with many different people and a few board members. The ceremonies were short, informative and in good taste. Among the persons who were to participate in the ribbon cutting was the superintendent, Dr. Nancy McGinley. Unfortunately, she decided to leave before this event. This lack of class, breeding and professionalism is unacceptable in any position.
Mr. Peter Smyth, principal, made an excellent speech. Two particular sentences stood out: We don't have failing schools. We have failed our schools. Dr. McGinley's actions prove it. As a former teacher I can recognize this failure.
Mary McQueen
Charleston, SC
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