Thursday, June 19, 2008

School Choices

According to the Post and Courier, CCSD is trying to pretend they're getting a jump on SC Superintendent Jim Rex's school choice plan. I have to quote it. The article states, "The West Ashley constituent school board has unanimously endorsed a plan that will enable its middle school students, regardless of where they live, to attend whichever middle school they want, either West Ashley or St. Andrew's middle schools.
Wait a minute. I thought it said students could choose whichever middle school they want, so why not CE Williams Middle School? Oh, yeah, that's just for the magnet students from St. Andrews Math and Science or Ashley River Creative Arts. Students living down the street from CE Williams can't even attend the school unless they enter a lottery AND WAIT. Peninsula residents know all about that waiting. Don't hold your breath because it's not happening. I'm just disappointed in the West Ashley constituent board for pretending along with CCSD that they're actually offering choice when they're NOT. Personally I wouldn't want my child going to either West Ashley or St. Andrew's middle school. Neither school has ever met Adequate Yearly Progress as outlined by federal law. Both schools are either rated Unsatisfactory or Below Average. So what's the BIG CHOICE?
According to their websites, survey results show 81% of the teachers at West Ashley Middle are satisfied with the learning environment. Yet only 60% of its students are. At least the students are willing to speak the truth.
On St. Andrew's website, 82% of the teachers are, once again, satisfied with that learning environment, but OOPS! the parents and students' surveys were LOST IN SHIPMENT. Hmmm...
I know CE Williams is no picnic, either. We know about the pot smoking in the bathroom and the robbers disbursing money on campus thanks to the Post and Courier. Yet, they seem to get that AYP every now and then and their state rating has been "Good" four out of the last five years.
CCSD, you have such a long way to go and yet you seem so lost in which direction to turn.


Anonymous said...

Shame on the Post and Courier reporter for not pointing out that C.E. Williams isn't included. Shame on CCSD for once again trying to manipulate the numbers by including some facts and excluding others. Shame on the St. Andrews Constituent Board for going along without asking important questions. Shame on us for allowing this to continue.

OK, Mr. Chris Fraser, formerly of Mt. Pleasant, now a resident of West Ashley and candidate for the county school board, are you ready to ask these questions and get some answers?

Babbie said...

It's all about PR. McGinley apparently believes that, if she can change public perception of the schools, she has improved them! Pathetic, isn't it?

Underdog said...

I'm beginning to think we have Mr. Smalley to thank for the new spin on PR. Afterall, he was responsible for the big press release that caused a front headline page on the Post and Courier regarding these stupid school choice/partial magnet plans when attorneys from the Office for Civil Rights where in town, right? Yeah, word gets around and we know what you did. (See, we may not talk to you, but we talk to each other). Why else would the Post and Courier print such a ridiculous story? This wasn't news, but Mr. Smalley pretended it was and the Post and Courier "fell" for it.
Mr. Smalley is smooth...too smooth for me.
Too bad his PR spin is at the expense of telling us the truth. How about tell us our children are not in a hostile environment, Mr. Smalley? Oh, yeah, you're just here to whine about your boss' hostile environment. Forget our teachers and forget our kids. There's a dangerous 82 year old man on the loose fighting for a charter school. Get HIM.