Monday, May 12, 2008

Interesting stuff...

I've been keeping up with my second favorite blog "The Newless Courier" and I find it quite interesting that Buist postings get the most rise out of people. Why do you think that is? Are there an overabundant amount of Buist supporters and nonsupporters who love blogs? Maybe so...or maybe we just can't let it go which leads to our obsession with blogs.
Why do Buist supporters continue to call people frustrated with the corruption at Buist "Buist haters"? They see the corruption day in and day can you look at corruption and not be frustrated? Unless you are a part of it...I guess that may keep you quiet, huh?
Word is our Buist friends raised over $100,000 on their fundraising night at the Citadel. Need I say more? It's a public school, where's the money coming from? If the lottery truly is the "luck" we're led to believe, man oh man, is Buist "lucky." Luck at drawing in those expert fundraisers...luck in drawing in those restaurant owners, yacht club members, and attorneys to make sure they're keeping their "t's" crossed. And then isn't it special that they so happen to let in a few of our black friends just to make themselves feel better? Gee, thanks. Yeah, I have a friend who is very excited her child from Hollywood gets to attend Buist. But I have other friends whose children are trapped in our District 20 schools begging for accelerated curriculum with no chance of getting into Buist. What about them?
Oh, yeah, FAKE addresses took their spot and have been taking their spots for years. It's that simple. And those Buist "supporters" know who they are, yet they say nothing.
Instead they attempt to call out people who have done nothing wrong but stand up for what's right. And I'd like to personal thank those who have stood up for what's right. Yeah, I read all of the ridiculous crap you wrote on the other blog and it made me sick. How does the saying go about the guilty pointing fingers? It takes one to know one.
We all know George Kefalos never lived at 28 A Addlestone. Why would he? He lived at a beautiful marshfront home on Folly Beach at the records don't lie, unless you're cheating the Assessor's Office. Is your chin dropping yet? Yeah, that's the address that attorney of law used, people. Patrick Hill's child didn't live at a tiny apartment on Bee Street, let's see, I think it was 40 Bee St., #205..right?...c'mon people. They claimed 4% on Headquarters Island. Do I need to keep going on and on? One poster stated people were "labeled" as cheaters who didn't cheat. Maybe that person will tell me who since they never stated who on the Newless Courier blog. I'll be happy to correct any mistakes made by anyone, just let me know.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what's classiest in your rambling it calling points made by people merely trying to defend their child's school from vicious attacks "ridiculous crap?" Is it writing that Buist's 33% minority student population exists "to make [us] feel better?" Or is it the listing of full names of people you claim to have cheated? Why stop with the parents? Why not list the children's names too? They're the ones with the audacity to actually attend this school of shame! In fact, why don't you just upload their photos so that we can throw things at them on their way into school? If "Buist hater" is distasteful to you, please let me know what I may call you.

Anonymous said...

From a former board member......I know having it tough to get kids in these high performing schools is a bitter pill to swallow and some parents may fudge to get their kids in there, but, what good parent wouldn't do what ever it takes to get their kids in the best education environment possible? The parents of those kids work hard to get money flowing through. If they are fortunate enough to just write a check, then so be it. Buist is full..... put some of the energy expended being mad and work to create new environments. My humble opinion only.

Underdog said...

I'm sorry. I wasn't going for "classy"... I was going for the truth...something few in Charleston seem to be willing to do...yourself included.
You want to defend your child's school from "vicious attacks" yet there's no defense for the inequities in our schools. How do you defend that? A few "vicious attacks" as you call them are nothing compared to what the rest of our Dist. 20 children face everyday. I don't hate your school. I'm frustrated with the people who cheat and the system who allows them to continue to cheat. Come visit my child's school...then we'll talk. You want to defend those I claim cheated? There's no defense for them either.
They took my child's spot and my neighbor's child's spot. And everyday those children remind me of the unequal education they're receiving. I wish people like yourself would spend a little less time defending the indefensible and spend a little more time standing up for what is clearly so wrong in our schools.

Underdog said...

I'd also like to remind the Buist parent above that the children are the victims...all children... especially the children whose parents felt they needed "to do whatever it (took)" to get their child into Buist. (If I didn't know better I'd think you were that crazy Citadel attorney..but he stated he always posts as himself).
My child may not be receiving the same education as your child at Buist, but I am proud of my child for knowing the difference between right and wrong...values I find it would be hard to maintain at a school such as Buist.
Oh and here's my suggestion for what you can call me: "equal education activist." May the spirit of Martin Luther King,Jr., Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall and all the other great leaders of our movement continue to live on...

Anonymous said...

"...but, what good parent wouldn't do what ever it takes to get their kids in the best education environment possible?"

But if it requires a parent to cheat, lie and steal, then is it really worth it? What kind of education can that be for the children involved?

Anonymous said...

Remember these are parents who either lied to their children or told their children to lie about where they lived...that's scary. CCSD Board members and evidently former board members condone this behavior...that's even scarier.