Thursday, March 6, 2008

"CCSD Board At it Again"

Well, if I didn't know better, I would have thought I was at a legislative delegation meeting today as I read my morning paper. The good ol' boys' system crosses all lines here in the Lowcountry.
The Post and Courier reported on the reactions of our CCSD school board members as they watched the video made to "encourage" our top teachers to transfer to our low-performing schools. Brian Moody said "he wasn't sure the district could take any bigger step to improve education." small step for high-poverty kids, one giant leap for good ol' boys feelin' good about themselves, huh, Mr. Moody? Nancy Cook said "the board should go a step further and adopt a policy that its below average and unsatisfactory schools be staffed before any others." Now, how long has she been on the school board? And how long have these schools been dealing with vacancies year after year?
Former civil-rights attorney Gregg Meyers "pointed out that the campaign has been made possible through a change to the Act of Consolidation...that eliminated constituent boards from the hiring process and gave them to the county board." Well, now, Gregg...this means your board is finally responsible for the mess we're in, doesn't it? And when are you going to get these vacancies filled at our low-performing schools now that those damn constituent boards aren't standing in your way? Hey, Gregg, now that you're in charge, maybe you could get us a Spanish teacher at Burke middle? Or better yet, an English teacher? Maybe you could do what the District 20 board tried to do last year and get one of those many foreign language teachers from Buist over at our "unsatisfactory" schools which have NONE?


Anonymous said...

Too bad these board members are never made to answer these questions, especially at the League of Women Voters softball candidate forums. I'd like to know where Gregg Meyers really lives because it's definately not East of the Cooper. But then as Toya Green said, she really doesn't want to represent downtown either. Cook, Moody, Douglas, Meyers and Green are exactly why Charleston schools remain at the bottom of the heap in a state that is last. There will be no mass teacher transfer to failing schools as long as there are so many failed administrators in charge of the system as a whole and at individual schools.

Anonymous said...

Why should the county board care? All of their children end up in magnet schools. Most of them have had children at Buist and the Academic Magnet High School. CCSD looks just fie from their perspective.