Saturday, September 22, 2007
Buist Vacancies?
According to the CCSD 10-day attendance report, we once again have vacancies at Buist Academy. Hmmm...I wonder when these vacancies will be filled. Will it be like last year when we had as many as 11 vacancies in the 7th and 8th grade for the entire school year? Principal Ballard has stated it's difficult to fill vacancies in the upper grades. Has she considered offering those vacancies to our children at Burke? Surely, we have students at Burke who meet the academic requirements. In fact, I bet we could have those vacancies filled by the end of the week, IF that's what CCSD really wanted. I find this very interesting. I thought everyone was fighting "tooth and nail" to get into Buist. There's obviously a few parents out there who don't believe Buist is all it's cracked up to be.
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Yeah, I thought Buist vacancies were like trying to find a rent controlled apartment in New York...What's going on over there?
First we hear that St. Andrews Math & Science is bursting at the seams with increased enrollment. Now we hear that Buist is holding back on filling its seats. Did anyone mention that some of the over enrollment at St. Andrews Math & Science was caused by "administrative directives"? This is CCSD code for the out of district transfers into St. Andrews magnet program that skipped the waiting list and lottery.
Dozens of these "administrative directives" were handed down by the former Superintendent and County School Board members in order to quiet some parents who complained too loudly when they discovered they had been cheated in Buist's admissions process.
Someone should tell the people at St. Andrews that their overcrowded conditions are directly related to the vacancies at Buist. CCSD doesn't even treat successful schools equally if it means Buist has to pull more weight than it wants.
The new super, if she seriously wanted to show she cared about this scam, could have intervened by now. Buist should at least handle the full enrollment it was designed to take and give schools like St. Andrews a little relief.
But St Andrews isn't important to the school board because that isn't where they send their kids. Buist is the only school they will protect.
I wouldn't put MY kid in that school. It's hard enough to raise kids in today's society without having them associating with kids whose parents think its okay to lie to get into public school.
I wouldn't put MY kid in that school. It's hard enough to raise kids in today's society without having them associating with kids whose parents think its okay to lie to get into public school.
The word is...of all the people who were turned in last year, only 2 fake addresses from the original Dist. 20 list left Buist before the school year began. And guess what? Those 2 were replaced by 2 more fake addresses!!!
Are you really going to allow this to continue, Dr. McGinley?
Maybe we need to get Chip Campsen on our side. He evidently has some pull on his former Sullivan's Island neighbor Mr. Meyers.
Oh, wait. I forgot, Mr. Campsen won't touch this because of the Governor's brother's connection...
Oops...the sky was purple there for a minute...but I'm back in the reality we call Charleston now. Silly me.
6 rising 6th graders left Buist. Why? 3 vacancies still remain according to the 10 day attendance report...why?
C'mon, Sallie, is your phone not working??
9:28 poster, bring me up to speed. What role does the governors brother play in this? Is he one of the cheaters? I am not familiar with that
Sounds like those on the waiting list that lost spots becuase of the fake addresses then should file a law suit.
How far does this go back?
Members of 29401 Kids have discussed filing a lawsuit. Even if few individuals would benefit from improvement they are interested in public schools here. They care about their neighbors. Everyone downtown is affected by the crimes of CCSD. We are a small town and only an afternoon of investigation reveals the neglect and even cruel treatment of downtown school children in our local schools. Our local elementary schools are worse than before Brown VS Board. Those at fault can hide behind such trappings as their hybrid cars and "earth shoes" but they have failed our most vulnerable citizens.
The 29401 Kids group are already familiar with some high profile losses it has seen recently. More than a few very talented and well endowed families have chosen to leave downtown Charleston when they realized the educational system wasn't going to be fixed by the powers that be. The recognized that local leaders like the status quo. One particularly generous individual quietly left with his young family last spring...telling the mayor, "Oh, we'll be back." As they slipped out the door, they whispered to their many friends here, "I doubt it."
Langsam used a St. Margaret street address to enter Buist Academy. Yet, those same Langsams live at 587 White Chapel Circle. What is their relation to the Sanford's on Rutledge? I don't know. I would need someone else to answer that for you.
I may be wrong but to the best of my knowledge the Rutledge Ave. Sanford is the governor's brother. the James Island Langsam is the Rutledge Ave. Sanford's in-laws through his wife. I understand the Langsam child was allowed to be admitted to Buist in 2006 under a false Dist. 20 address. That's public record and the Principal, the Superintendent and the members of the county school board were all given the documentation showing the use of a false address before the start of the school year. They took no action. The Superintendent went so far as to issue a formal statement saying that all the claims against the addresses used were investigated and none were found to have been false at the time of admission to Buist involving any of the student names in question. And we wonder about the integrity of the system?
Thanks for your help. Let's keep the TRUTH out there.
Mark Sanford might not know about his brother's relatives doing this. By all accounts the governor is a man of integrity.
Governor Sanford might not know about this, but Mayor Riley does.
Governor Sanford might not know about this, but Mayor Riley does.
Even if true, the City of Charleston has no control over Charleston County Schools. Our city taxes don't fund county schools, thus the Mayor can try to flex his powers at the county, but don't see how the Mayor can control who enrolls where.
Silly, Riley controls everything in this town.
Shades needs to know how many of the Mayor's friends used false addresses to enter Buist. Is there anyone who wants to "enlighten" him?
Mayor Riley has come to this table late in the game. During the first 10 years of his 32 year reign, he stayed out of it. But by the mid 80's he was playing "good cop, bad cop" with John Graham Altman as the obvious bad cop. Unlike mayors across the US who are taking a lead, Joe's still playing back room politics with our schools. It's no coincidence that the sell off of downtown schools when to developers who fund the mayor's reelection campaigns. The lion's share of city taxpayers' bills go to county schools with much smaller fractions going to the city and smaller still to the county government. And don't forget the 6,000 letters signed by hizzonor as mayor to get raise funds and votes for his B-Team on the current county school board, inclucing Toya Green, his hand picked BUMPY for the downtown seat.
And where did Joe go to school? (Bishop England) And where did his kids go to school? (Porter-Gaud) Hell, Joe's ultimately responsible for the collapse of our city schools (Charleston High, Murray Vocational HS, C.A.Brown HS, Rivers HS, Rhett. Where are these institutions now and why?) Our city schools were once linked to local colleges because these educational landmarks complimented each other, not because the colleges saw the nearby public schools as cadavers (euphemistically called today �partnerships�) waiting to be cut up, prodded and studied like lab experiments involving the super poor and isolated minorities. All of this has the mayor�s blessing.
Joe�s was a sin of omission for the first 10 years when he ignored public education & CCSD was still trying to find its way. For the last 22 years Joe has committed so many sins against public education in downtown Charleston that his public school policy is starting to place all of his other success stories at risk. Without good schools how limited is an offer of affordable housing for people who work? Did tourism push people out of their homes or did the absence of adequate schools downtown? What did this do to the proliferation of absentee occupants, tourist oriented time shares and 2nd homes on the peninsula?
Downtown school conditions are ultimately connected to Joe Riley. Why did he wait until now to strike deals that demonstrate sharing resources like recreational facilities or historic buildings with other public agencies like libraries, schools, playgrounds and colleges?
The city�s high school sports stadium, Stoney Field, has been falling apart for decades and The Citadel is still salivating over its carcass. Memminger Auditorium was condemned as unusable for 18 years until it's all but sold under the terms of a 50 year. Gregg Meyers helped to divide the Academic Magnet HS from Burke sending it to the N. Chas. Naval Brig and with it went the last of the vocational programs to Garrett.
None of this could have been done without Joe Riley�s cooperation. Joe knows...or at least after 32 years, he damn well should have known what public schools downtown were all about.
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