Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Senator Ford speaks the truth

Here's our own Senator Robert Ford in The State paper on Sunday stating vouchers are the way to go. "...Ford is making the case that the students who would benefit most from a voucher-style program in South Carolina are African-Americans who attend poorly performing schools."

"He dismisses those who say his program would hurt already struggling public schools, framing the argument as a choice between protecting schools or giving children the lifeline they need to succeed."

“You’re damn right I’m hurting public education, because public education is hurting our kids,” Ford said."

I couldn't agree with that quote more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Hillary Douglas speaks at a press conference supporting public schools his OWN sister couldn't teach at.
And Dot Scott? Didn't her kids go to private school?
Way to go, Senator Ford! You represent us more than the NAACP ever will.