Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Public tax dollars for a private school? Now I've heard it all

Mayor Riley is a complex man with a clear agenda. Over the past thirty years we have watched our public schools sink into a dismal state with our mayor's hands right in the mess of it. By the city council's approval of "spending $4.75 million to buy land that essentially would be given to a new private school" known as Meeting Street Academy, one thing is very clear. Mayor Riley wants successful PRIVATE schools on the peninsula. To heck with any chance of successful PUBLIC schools. Segregation will continue as planned. Thank God for councilman Tim Mallard. I don't know the man, but at least he attempts to provide some form of democracy in this monarchy we live in by refusing to be a "yes-man" for the king.
Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see Meeting Street Academy succeed. It would be great for them to prove what we've known for several decades. CCSD doesn't know how to educate our kids anymore.
Yet to use public tax dollars to purchase land for a private school serving as few as 200 students as the mayor puts claims on Fraser's building for a Police Academy AND Burke High School can't even claim Stoney Field as their own is just plain sick.


Nick Shalosky said...


I also thought you may like to do a blog about how the CCSD is rushing the Constituent boards to redraw the attendance lines. I am on the District 20 Constituent board, and know that the CCSD is pushing us to act quickly because they want to redraw the lines in the way that they want them. However, we (The District 20 Constituent Board) are hoping to get the public as involved as possible in this process, and to tell CCSD to wait their turn.

Anonymous said...

Knowledge is power. Tell us more and let us share what we know.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget that you have to apply to go to this school. So you will have involved parents. If the parents don't stay involved or hold up their end of the "contract", they will be asked to leave. How can this school not succeed? Unfortunately, CCSD can not ask students to leave.