Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ms. Green vs. Mr. Stewart

So the District 20 seat on the County board is down to two candidates, incumbent Ms. Toya Hampton-Green and Constituent board member Mr. Marvin Stewart. For me, its no contest. Ms. Green represents the status quo. She doesn't care that our District 20 kids aren't even receiving a minimally adequate education. Mr. Stewart calls it like he sees it. He's a breath of fresh air from the politics of this town. I had to laugh when Ms. Green said "she's a team player and Stewart is a naysayer..." CCSD isn't educating our kids, Ms. Green. CCSD isn't providing any choices or effective solutions. So whose team are you on?
Keep talking Mr. Stewart, we're listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, Ms. Green also told us to "trust her" when Dr. Goodloe insisted on putting Mishawna Moore as the Principal of 2 schools.
I wouldn't trust that girl as far as I could throw her.